Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blah 12/31/11

As of now, I don't have anything important/exciting to post. Everyone's busy for the New Years Eve, including me, have to prefer the food and stuff.. I'll be back next year and post something about.. Hmmm.. Painting! I'll start painting again next year! I promise to myself that I should continue painting regardless of my busy schedule and things to accomplish! I should save money to buy painting materials and canvases! Bye for now!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Yesterday, due to a very boring afternoon, I decided to take shots of my teddy bear which Kevin gave me way back 5 years ago... I really treasure this thing, not just because it was the first gift that Kevin gave me, but because it's the first teddy bear that I  received from a guy hihi! ^_^ Maybe because prefer foods more than cuddly toys and flowers! :P

Friday, December 23, 2011

Season of Sharing

I just like to share my "surprise" gift for my mom, dad and brother, the other is for my inaanak (polka dots gift wrap) which I hide on my closet. I'll give these to them after our Noche Buena hihi! :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas is just around the corner..

The feeling of excitement whenever Christmas is coming near. It is the  longest Holiday that we celebrate. They say that its just for kids, but for me it isn't. Christmas is the season of giving whether you're young or old nor rich or poor. It also doesn't matter how much is your gift worth, it's the thought that counts, just be thankful that someone has remembered to give you one.
For us Filipinos, we usually prepare for Christmas in a very religious way. We have so many Christmas traditions and one of which is called the "Simbang Gabi" or known by its Spanish name Misa de Gallo "mass of the rooster" it is practiced nine days before Christmas. Me and my family usually attends the said Simbang Gabi, but we never had a chance to complete it because we really had a hard time waking up in the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, after the mass, we usually buy kakanins like puto and suman, but since I don't eat kakanins, I just buy taho and drink it on our way home. Actually, the most popular Filipino food during December is the puto bungbong and bibingka, its stalls were mostly located beside the church and people will buy it after mass for their breakfast. But in our place, it is located far from church so the suman is the best seller.

Whenever the month of November ends, one of my job is to set up the decors, and week before Christmas, my mom and I used to shop for gifts and groceries for our Noche Buena. We eat together on Noche Buean and after which, we exchange gifts and open it simultaneously. I don't expect much on Christmas, I don't ask people to give me gift or money on that special day, maybe because I'm not used to the Filipino tradition that on 25th of December, kids will go to their godparents to claim their gifts; my brother and I used to stay at home and entertain our guests. I know some people who used to say "Give me gift on Christmas and I'll also give you one in return." I find it really annoying! Like,wouldn't it be nice to receive give unexpectedly? But asking for what type of gift would you like is okay, because me and my friends usually do that hehe! Anyway, I gotta go, me and mom will shop for gifts later, better get ready! ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hi! I'm Lovely Oponda. Actually, its THIRD blog account that I made. The ones really old which I made last 2008 (not really sure) and other was for school which I forgot the password so here, I made new one. I don't have much to say for now, maybe next time! ;)